Travel Mishaps – again?!

Our last full day in Scotland we woke to sunshine – yes you read correctly SUNSHINE! Eating breakfast at the campsite I watched as the level of the sun rose higher and higher over Ben Nevis, waiting until the campsite was no longer shadowed by the mighty peak and I could feel some warmth on…

Scottish Bucketlist: Glenfinnian Viaduct

We left the Isle of Skye to drive through the beautiful highland passes once again to our destination of Glen Nevis, camping for one more night before the luxury of a Bed and Breakfast on our last night. Also, if anyone was wondering how we were still camping considering our new tent broke in our…

Fairy Pools on the Isle of Skye

For our last morning on the Isle of Skye we decided to try to get to the fairy pools again. The first day we arrived on Skye amidst severe weather warnings the first river crossing to the pools was completely flooded with a rather rapidly flowing creek. It was not possible to cross without being washed off the bridge…

When things don’t go according to plan

The aftermath of tentageddon – our crazy first night camping on Skye meant we needed to reassess our Scotland itinerary. Originally we were staying just the two nights on the Isle of Skye then jumping on a ferry over to the Outer Hebrides island of Harris. Lured by images of the pristine white sand and…

Exploring Skye and the Fairy Glen

In true Skye style, the Fairy Glen was near impossible to find. Well, with no prior planning, no phone signal and a weirdly useless car GPS it was. In the end I had to google “how to get to the fairy glen” and my favourite website of this trip came to my rescue once again…

Neist Point Lighthouse, Cute cafes and Flora MacDonald

Our next day on the Isle of Skye was jam packed. We planned to see as much of the north end of Skye as possible, so I have decided to split what we did across two posts. After a luxuriously late start (considering we actually managed to sleep we decided we deserved it) we began…

Climbing the Storr

The weather in Scotland is unpredictable at best, and the Isle of Skye even more so. So catching a view from the top of the Old Man of Storr is not a guarantee, and we were not afforded the privilege but luckily Scotland is good at being beautifully moody when overcast and foggy. We could…

The night that Skye almost won

Okay, so my concerns were justified. Our tent DID nearly blow away! Our original plan was to wild camp on Skye, essentially find a nice patch of grass and pitch up. You’re allowed to do this all over Scotland so long as you abide by the Scottish Outdoor Access Code. I had visions of a…

Scotland Camping Journal Day 1

Disclaimer: These next few posts about our camping trip in Scotland may sound like I wasn’t having fun, and that I had a negative experience whilst on our trip to Scotland. This wasn’t the case at all. Whilst we did have quite a few travelling mishaps, on the whole we had an absolutely amazing week. It’s…

Highland Dreaming

I don’t know about you, but before I go travelling I always like to read a book, watch a movie or tv show that just makes me burst with excitement to visit that place. I have googled on countless occasions lists of books to read to inspire travel, and found them remarkably uninspiring. I’m not…